New App Features In – Release 1.9.106
Embed Zapier templates on the app With Zapier you can Integrate with 1000s of apps and these Integrations are called Zaps and it so easy
Team members can create a purchase request in minutes
Set unique custom fields to suit your business
Turn your online shopping cart order into a draft PO
Manage invoices at lightning fast speeds.
Managers can quickly approve or reject requests
Cross reference and verify accounts payable expenses
Upload all of your essential purchase data in seconds
Simple and ultra secure access management
Unlimited, detailed budgets to help you track company spend
Analyze detailed breakdowns of company spend
Remote teams can manage purchasing from anywhere
Auto convert purchase orders to the supplier’s currency
Manage & switch between different company accounts
Big picture reports for finance teams and super users
Manage 3rd party suppliers in a single portal
More value from suppliers of standard items
Build a product catalog for critical vendors
Leverage existing data for ESG insights.
Embed Zapier templates on the app With Zapier you can Integrate with 1000s of apps and these Integrations are called Zaps and it so easy
Zapier integrates with 1000s of apps and these integrations are called Zaps. Simply put, you can connect apps with each other and create beautiful workflows
Know someone who could benefit from tighter purchasing controls? Send ‘em our way. Our new referral program
Improvement in UI: Invite user mailer templates changes There were a few updates made to the UI in the invitation emails. Log in. Navigate to
The last three updates have corrected many of the problems you may have experienced. They’ve also added new and improved features that improve ease of
June 2018 Mobile App Features: Yes, its true our mobile app is evolving and we have great new features that our customers can benefit from.
PO Number Custom Suffix Feature A suffix for the purchase order (PO) number format has been implemented. This is handy for raising PO’s that need
December is here and everyone is rushing to get their last bit of Christmas shopping done before Christmas day. Mistakes can happen in a flash is making life a tad easier for companies from the palm of their hands. Here’s the new Mobile Application Update.