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Spend Control for Facility Management Companies
- Budgeting hacks for FM finance teams
Best practices that you need to know
50 spend control tips for CFOs

Best practices that you need to know
50 spend control tips for CFOs has enabled ISS Facility Services to make data-driven decisions that continuously saves them £250k every year.
FM finance teams are overwhelmed and finding it increasingly difficult to control company spending.
FM purchasing processes are traditionally slow and cumbersome involving lots of sign-off.
The finance team loses hours every day chasing paperwork and matching purchases to staff.
Purchase orders and invoices keep getting lost in a web of emails and spreadsheets. has enabled ISS Facility Services to make data-driven decisions that continuously saves them £250k every year. Using this simple yet effective data-driven trick they achieved a cost-saving of £250k on £2.5M worth of purchases in 2018.
“Our purchasing process is now lightning fast, and we can see where every single penny is going. Saving £250k last year was the icing on the cake."
* PDF Case Study Download
If you’re just starting out in Supplier Consolidation, this course will help you identify the suppliers that can be leveraged and empower you to focus on building long-term partnerships with trusted suppliers that will offer your Facility Management company the most value.
"Whether you feel your FM company's spend is under control or not, dig into this free resource to stay accountable and learn how to consolidate your suppliers."
* Online Video Course
Research suggests that 85% of Facility Management companies are not in control of their spending. If your finance team are still using spreadsheets on a day-to-day basis to manage your spend, contact us for free actionable advice and feedback.
"Get your free Facilities Management spend control audit from James Kennedy, CEO at"
* Strategy Workshop
We have 100 read and review copies of our new book to give away. If you’re interested in controlling finances in your Facilities Management company, claim your free paperback copy by hitting the link below.
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