7 Easter Fundraising Ideas To Boost Your Charity’s Budget

Fundraising is important because it helps charity organizations to raise awareness of certain issues. Organizations can capitalize on easter events to sustain their fundraising goals. Easter holidays present a great opportunity for charities to achieve this.

In different ways, people from different parts of the world are celebrating Easter this weekend.

  • In Hungary, easter holidays are associated with what Hungarians call “Sprinkling” in which boys playfully sprinkle cologne or water over a young woman’s head and eventually asks for a kiss.
  • Brazilians are known for creating straw dolls to represent Judas, one of Jesus’ apostles known for selling Jesus. The dolls are hung in the streets and beaten. Similar dolls can also represent any public figure considered a traitor.
  • In Sweden, Easter is a pagan event. Children wear long skirts, colorful headscarves and paint their cheeks red to represent Easter witches. Kids with painted faces and broomsticks knock on doors asking for Easter treats.

A good enough idea for raising funds will be a great boost for your organization’s bank balance. We suggest the following easter events:

Easter Egg event

Easter egg events are the most popular charity events because they are fun-filled. These events target kids and parents, you can invite them to participate and charge an affordable entrance fee.

Another cool idea is to create Easter baskets and place them at the event. Naturally, kids will love baskets filled with an assortment of candies, bunny eggs or even plastic animals stuffed with candy. Ask local business owners for any contribution to your charitable cause. The money generated from selling these baskets goes straight to your charity coffers.

Just make sure that you keep a register where attendees can record their contact details to invite them to future events.

Tweet this: Fundraising is important because it helps charity organizations to raise awareness of certain issues.

Easter Egg hunt

Easter egg huntEaster egg hunts will give your organization an opportunity to bring families together and collect funds for your charitable cause. An invitation is sent to parents to bring their kids to participate in the game, then charge a small entrance fee. You can buy artificial eggs from your local craft store, then hide these eggs in the garden, then ask kids to hunt for the Easter Egg in the garden. The child that finds the egg could win candy.

Easter Egg toss

This event works well with sports events. After a cricket match, you can request people to participate in the egg tossing competition. This is how it works: there are two contestants at a time, an egg is tossed between them and they will compete to grab it. The winner is the one who manages to complete the contest without the egg being broken. As you can imagine, this is a lot of fun for kids and parents.

Breakfast with the Easter bunny

You can approach a local restaurant to negotiate a “breakfast with the easter bunny”. One of your team members can dress up as the easter bunny (which in itself is fun for your company). As part of your competition, patrons will take pictures with the bunny and share them on Instagram or Facebook. The patron with the most likes on Facebook or Instagram wins a stuffed easter bunny with chocolate eggs.

Easter afternoon tea

If you’re managing a charity centre for children, you can host an Easter afternoon tea party at your centre. Invite local families to join you for tea and cookies. Guests can bring a small donation of any kind; clothing, food or candy for children.

Easter competition

Host an Easter egg decorating competition. A variety of ornaments can be decorated. Local celebrities can be judges at the competition and vote for the most well-decorated eggs. All proceeds made from selling the decorated eggs will be a boost towards doing good.

Charity football match

Organize a football match between two local teams. Because these events draw big crowds, the proceeds will be a substantial contribution to your cause.

How do you plan to boost your fundraising this Easter?

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