How to Find Suitable Volunteers Online

There is a constant need for charity organizations to recruit volunteers. The biggest challenge experienced by recruiters is finding a perfect match for their charitable cause. There are many American professionals looking for volunteering opportunities.

According to Corporation for National and Community Service, Americans gave nearly 7.9 billion hours of service in 2012, worth approximately $175 billion.

Conventional methods, like referrals and asking for volunteering are only convenient when you need 70 volunteers to repaint the local old age home. When you are looking for people to volunteer a scarce skill like engineering, you’re likely to find your perfect match online.

According to The Association of Fundraising Professionals, 50% of wealthy individuals volunteer their time and talents to charitable organizations they care about. They believe that volunteering has the greatest potential for positive impact on society.

Going mobile help charities to connect with potential volunteers 24/7. Charities have to devise strategic ways of matching the right skill with the right cause. These two widely-used matching sites can help:

  1. All For Good

All For Good is the largest volunteer database in the United States of America. It is the platform where charity organizations and potential volunteers meet. Charities can list available opportunities for potential volunteers to choose.

When using All For Good, charities can ensure that volunteers are suitable by:

  • Checking that all the information provided by potential volunteers is accurate
  • Choosing potential volunteers who have been affected by the problem
  1. CatchaFire

This platform connects charity organizations with professionals willing to offer their services pro bono. To tap into this pool of talent, charities should create suitable volunteering opportunities. They should present their cause clearly so professional volunteers will know if they can contribute.

The charitable cause should enable volunteers to:

  • Become more connected to community issues
  • Use Catchafire to leverage their skills

Before choosing volunteers, consider the following guide:

Tweet this: To tap into this pool of talent, charities should create suitable volunteering opportunities

  1. A background check

Not all applications will be from suitable volunteers, some applications are from individuals trying to use the volunteering opportunity to enrich themselves. Therefore, it’s important to undertake a thorough criminal check on applicants. A suitable volunteer should possess the following traits:

  • Skills
  • Openness
  • Honesty
  • Reliability
  • Patience
  • Humility
  • Dependability
  1. Interview volunteers

interview-volunteersKeep interviews as conversational as possible. Applicants should feel at ease to express their honest views about the cause.

Interview questions to consider:

  • What is it about our organization or cause that appeals to you?
  • Are there any elements of the role you have reservations about?
  • Do you have the right skills and experiences, as outlined in the person specification?
  • How much time per month can you commit to for this project or role?
  • What life and career experiences have you had that might be useful to you in working with us?
  1. Health checks

It’s imperative that the health of potential volunteers meets the conditions of the charitable cause. Health checks are done to protect volunteers against possible hazards and not to discriminate against them. Before conducting a health check, make sure that:

  • All scheduled volunteers understand what the health check is about.
  • They have agreed in writing to do tests.
  • The health reports remain confidential.
  1. Volunteer appointment

Once charity leaders decide to appoint a volunteer, a registration form is sent to be filled in. To save time, this form can be sent via email. Volunteers will complete the application and email it back.

Appoint volunteers that will add value to your organization. What skills are your organization currently looking for?

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