How to Donate to Charity by Simply Using Technology


Technology improves how people donate to charitable causes. It has transformed how givers donate and nonprofits track donations. With only a simple click, givers can send money straight to the charity’s coffers.

This is how technology helps nonprofits:

  • It helps charity organizations to spend responsibly
  • Organizations can conduct online fundraising campaigns
  • It helps COOs to run charity programs efficiently

Large amounts of money are raised through the use of technology. Nonprofits always look for alternative ways to raise funds. Through the use of technology, large amounts of funds are raised.  According to The Sun, Just Giving generates a whooping £21 million a year and rewards its leader with an exorbitant amount of £200,000. The company’s financial reports show that, in 2016, JustGiving spent almost £11million on staff only. This report makes us realize how technology can help nonprofits to generate large amounts of funds.

There are websites created to help potential givers find the right charities to donate to. There are many other sites that help nonprofits with online solutions.

In this blog, we look at simple ways people can donate on the net.

Tweet this: This app is a good reminder that sleepy heads tend to pay more!

1. GiveBack

GiveBack is a web browser extension that anyone can install on Google Chrome for free. The extension uses an unnoticeable advertisement that appears at the bottom of each new tab. It generates donations for charities without users paying money.

What interests most nonprofits about this browser extension is that donation receipts are transparent. The company makes all receipts so that everyone can see how much was raised.

2. Hunger Crunch

This is an iPhone game designed by Rice Bowls. Every time gamers play, 52 orphanage homes receive food. Here is how the game works: the gamers fight hunger as a beast and they have to defeat minions and collect candy coins.

3. iCuckoo

iCuckoo is a free iPhone alarm clock app that allows users to donate to charities every time they hit the snooze button. After you set the alarm, you must choose a charity organization to which you’d like to donate. The more you hit the snooze button the more snoozes add up. In simple terms, you snooze you lose. This app is a good reminder that sleepy heads tend to pay more!

4. Charity miles

Charity Miles allows givers to track miles of their workouts and gives to charities based on the miles covered by each giver. iPhone users recommend this app to their friends as it is believed that it motivates people to exercise daily.

5. Catchafire

Nonprofit organizations are under pressure to spend funds responsibly. This often means they have to find professionals who want to donate their skills. Catchafire solves this problem as it connects nonprofits with pro bono professionals in a blink of an eye.

How technology helps organizations spend within budget

Technology solves almost all charity problems. It’s possible that, in the near future robots will run charity programs such as disaster reliefs. Poor budget management causes financial problems for charity organizations.

To spend within budget, you’ll have to use an efficient PO system which will help your organization to:

  • to participate in fundraising campaigns before everyone. You can easily do this when you make proceeds of your previous campaigns transparent.
  • show givers how you do your purchases. You can’t do this right when your organization still uses a paper-based system. Adopt a PO system that is user-friendly and allows you to track purchases on any device, this includes cellphones, tablets and laptops.
  • spend within budget by using a PO system such as With, each charity department can have its own budget and a dedicated approver. Charity decision makers can approve POs wherever they are, even while rushing to the next fundraising event.

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