Every truly successful organization monitors and tries to improve on its spending, it’s a “no brainer” if you are not controlling or at the very least monitoring your spend then you are losing money, simple as that. I’ve seen it time and time again where people think they have things under control.
Some have their heads in the sand thinking that the methods they have in place have been there since the beginning so they obviously work fine, others believe that they don’t spend much or that they spend on the same things in the same way and have always done so and that means everything is under control, but when they can see the figures laid out in front of them in the way that Procurementexpress.com does the issues are practically screaming at them. A lot of the time Procurementexpress.com even saves people money during their 2-week free trial, if you can save money or save on miss-spending in that small amount of time just imagine what a whole year can reveal!! If you think that this is just hype then I challenge you to prove me wrong by taking your own free trial here – no need to thank me, just put that extra cash to good use.
Scrutiny is key for spend control, most organizations have budget reviews or spend reviews, even audits on a regular basis, some more than others, depending if you do things quarterly or annually etc. It’s a huge chore for most organizations as they simply don’t have great solutions in place, trying to locate and match paperwork, figure out what things are and where they belong in the grand scheme of things takes up a lot of time for a lot of people within the organization, time is money and having core staff taken away from their respective expertise is never the best idea. The way Procurementexpress.com works you could have a review or an audit every day, in a matter of seconds you can have all the information you need to make your assessments, all relevant data is electronically attached to each purchase order too, so you really do have all the info you need in one place with just a couple of clicks and no need to involve countless people and countless hours trying to find and make sense of things.
Nonprofits are no stranger to scrutiny either, in fact they tend to be even more scrutinized than most. They will have internal overseers keeping the ship on course, they will have governing bodies to deal with and answer to and then most of the time they have the watchful eye of the public burning a hole in their backs. It’s no wonder that most nonprofits are really reluctant to spend on non essentials, they are held accountable for every single ounce of spend they make and often have to defend the decision to do so. This is a huge obstacle nonprofits face, fear of backlash from spending is holding many organizations back from really excelling at what they do. Even without any fear involved it must be hard to decide if any money is better spent on something rather than the goal of the organization, if you know what that money could achieve within your main directive it will always hold more weight to it. So does this mean that nonprofits shouldn’t ever increase their overheads? Of course not, if something will really help the organization then it stands to reason that the organization is better positioned to carry out its main directive.
We have a number of high-profile nonprofits as clients, I’m not going to drop names, you can see some in the testimonials here if you like. They all have one main thing in common, as mentioned above they have to answer to several streams of people, boards or councils, investors or general public, they have to monitor, record and justify literally everything and that’s why they joined us. Sure there is an expense involved, but not once has a deciding body ruled against someone’s request to implement our solution and believe me they really dig deep into all the features and advantages that come with them, because as already mentioned every single spend is scrutinized and often challenged.
So why is it that Procurementexpress.com is so popular amongst nonprofits? The main factors involved in the decision usually varies from organization to organization, but the overall appeal is generally the transparency in spend and how quickly and accurately the data can be made available.
The main area of scrutiny for nonprofits is spending so it makes sense to ensure that all spend is controlled effectively and accurate records of all transactions are kept ready to be reviewed. Procurementexpress.com’s functionality is impressively customizable so you can set in stone how things are requested and approved, that’s accountability covered, the system also makes it easy to stop rogue spending, duplicate invoices being paid even spurious invoices being paid and that alone justifies the cost of the service as more often than not the savings outweigh the cost of an organization’s subscription. The main attraction does tend to be the reporting though. The transparency of expenditures is usually enough to warrant having the system in place, but the ease at which reports are made is simply astounding, people are saving countless hours using Procurementexpress.com, you don’t have to gather all the information and build a report, you just click a few buttons, you can literally have a full spend report in under a minute, the report is presented in such a way that you can further manipulate the data with just as much ease, need to know spend for a specific supplier – done, need it for the quarter or the year or even last week – click and done. Need to know who approved the most or the least, who requests the most, what is the biggest spend? If you need to know something and that information has been entered into the system – then click and you’re done.
It’s not just about the spend either though, you can attach all relevant documentation, like invoices or goods in receipts etc, can be added to the system and associated with that particular purchase order, so everything, including any comments made on the purchase order, is there at your fingertips.
I could waffle on for hours explaining how much time, effort and money is ready to be saved with a decent solution, let alone a great one like Procurementexpress.com. I love hearing back from clients who have had so much stress removed from their lives, so I really could drone on forever about it, but I don’t want to bore you too much, you get the idea I’m sure, but if you’d like to know or see more we do offer a live demo that on average takes around 20 minutes, we do allow an hour in case you really want to get into more detail, feel free to book a demo here or just drop me an email via [email protected]