Software updates for August

In the month of August, we focussed mostly on feature enhancements and fixing behavioral issues. Some of our resources are currently going into the development of our new Request for Quotation (RFQ) feature. This will be ongoing development until the end of November. If you’re interested in finding out more about the RFQ feature, we’d like to hear from you, please pick a time to chat here or let the support team know.

Feature enhancements:

Add more dates types to the date selector on the invoice report download.

Click on your initials, top-right -> Reports -> Invoice Report -> Select your Date Type

Automatically switch to the right company when a PO is opened from email.

Multi-company users will now be directed to the appropriate company when they click on the “Open” button of a PO from an email. Next, we will develop the same functionality for the Approved and Rejected buttons.

Add event to the PO history “When an invoice is approved”

Make some of the default notifications, optional.

You can edit the notifications you receive in the notifications centre and in-app in your user settings.

Click on your initials, top-right -> Pencil icon -> Notifications

The options on this screenshot are for a user who has all the roles assigned. (CompanyAdmin, Finance, Approver, TeamMember)

The new notification options are as follow:


  • Notify on Purchase Order received
  • Notify on Purchase Order invoice upload
  • Notify on Purchase Order comments


  • Notify on new pending Request for my approval
  • Notify on Purchase Order received

Finance new notification options:

  • Notify on undelivered Purchase Orders [Weekly Summary]

Admin new notification options:

  • Notify on undelivered Purchase Orders [Weekly Summary]
  • Notify on Purchase Order fully received


  • Change all instances of “Department” to the correct alias.
  • An issue with users not being able to cancel a PO.
  • The user was unable to download PDF for PO.
  • Add item sequence number to API for purchase order items.

Mobile app

  • When users click on the bell icon it shows that they do not have any requests pending although they do.
  • Approvers are not receiving push notifications.

New carts added on PunchOut (PushCart)

  • Henry Schein solutions for healthcare professionals
  • Digikey Canada
  • Harbor Freight

More Resources