
New features in

New Banner We haven’t been resting on our laurels in the last month. We’ve made lots of changes and rolled out new features and enhancements to beat the band!!

Here are some of the best features that we’ve added:

    1. Document Attachments

You can now add attachments to your purchase orders. Attachments are added in the same way as comments. Attachments allow you to add quotations to your purchase orders so that there is more information available when making an approval decision.

Screenshot 2014-07-26 00.46.52

    1. Sortable PO Dashboard

The purchase order dashboard allows you to sort by any of the titles within the table. Just click on one of the titles at the top of the table and it will sort the table for you.

Sortable PO dashboard for 2014

    1. PO search

Another new feature is that there is a search box that has been added to the top right of the table. Just type in a PO number or part of a PO number and everything that matches will be displayed.

Don’t forget that PO numbers have a unique number and then the date in them. PO numbers look something like 123-26072014 where the first digits are the unique number and the second set represents the date (26th July 2014). Therefore if you want to search by the date you can just put 26072014 into the search box and you’ll see everything for that date.

    1. Company Admins can edit user roles

Do you want to make another user an approver, or allow another staff member access to the finance role. Now, as long as you are a company admin, you can.

Just click on “Employees” to get the employee list, click on the employee whose role you want to change and then they’ll be an “Edit Roles” button.

Admins can edit user roles on the dashboard - Features 2014

  1. Company Admins can add new users by inviting them

Are you a company admin? Do you want to add more users?

Just choose the “Send More Invites” link and you can put in one or more email addresses of the people who you would like to invite to

The new users will receive an invite by email and they’ll be able to set their own password. They will automatically be given the role of “team member” and their role can be changed.

Screenshot 2014-07-26 00.46.52 - Features 2014

Don’t forget to come back to see What’s New in again.

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