Seamless Integration Between Sales And Marketing In Business

Sales and Marketing functions go hand in hand. It is through marketing and promotion that leads are generated and later converted into sales. A skillfully constructed combination of sales and marketing is vital for the growth of your business.

Sales and Marketing functions go hand in hand. It is through marketing and promotion that leads are generated and later converted into sales. A skillfully constructed combination of sales and marketing is vital for the growth of your business.

With seamless integration, we can interchangeably call the mix ‘Sales Marketing’ or ‘Marketing Sales’. On one hand, sales consists of interpersonal interactions such as meetings, telephone calls and networking to get prospective customers while on another hand, marketing encompasses advertising, promotions, public relations etc so as to reach and persuade prospective customers.

The two are then joined together by combining insights, planning, execution and analytics to drive faster growth of customers. According to Stats #44, it takes approximately eight contacts or more with a single prospect before the average sale is closed. Prospective clients normally move through the sales cycle from cold to warm until a sale is won. That’s why a union of forces between marketing and sales is greatly needed.

Since sales and marketing are reliant on each other, optimizing their integration seamlessly involves a lot of things. Here are some of them:

1.Establish commonality

You need to identify common goals within the two functions. Sales people want more clients while markers want to increase their reach in marketing. For instance, a common ground could be social media marketing. This helps increase reach for the marketers while also generating leads for the sales people. You therefore need to create an integrated marketing/sales funnel from a lead generation perspective where each party commits to achieving their funnel goals. This interdependence will create positive synergy which results in a win-win solution.

2.Have a two-handed relationship

Hubspot calls this kind of a relationship ‘Smarketing’. Smarketing in this case is realised when when a customer is passed between the two different functions. For example,  salespeople can help marketers to do advertising campaigns and thereby widen their reach in the process. Smarketing kicks in when leads generated from the advertising campaigns are passed on to the sales people. This means there will be a bigger team spearheading the campaigns compared to when marketers are doing it alone and also a bigger team identifying good sales leads which the sales people can later convert to customers.

 3.Support and constructively criticize

The kind of relationship where teams pass on results to each other is a great multiplier of productivity. As a team you need to regularly check on the performance of each other. Marketers can provide salespeople the right support they need to follow up on leads effectively. Salespeople, in turn regular constructive feedback to marketers on how to get better lead quality. Constructive criticism is good for enhancing effectiveness of both functions.

Click to Tweet: The kind of relationship where teams pass on results to each other is a great multiplier of productivity.

4.Automate your systems

The evolution of digital marketing and CRM (customer relationship management) brought in the era of accountability through automation. This makes the seamless integration of sales and marketing more efficient. CRM  is a software with a broad set of applications that are designed to help businesses manage customer data and customer interaction, access business information, automate sales, marketing and customer support and also manage employees and vendors.

5.Measure performance and budget

Analytics and metrics can help measure performance and ensure a seamless delivery of efficiencies from both marketers and salespeople through reports. With automation, the marketing function can attribute spend in their budgets to generating sales leads and sales people can view which leads convert into the most profitable deals. Functions should be included in both budgets. This is another win-win as both functions operate within the confines of the same company vision.

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