“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” – Mohammed Ali
More and more companies are realizing that there are many benefits to using electronic technology to improve their procurement processes. Have you taken the time to identify why electronic software might just lighten up your day from those forever forming storm clouds?
Identifying pebbles in your shoe
In the old days where humans needed to travel long distances to make any sort of purchase, it was important to put a procurement process of some kind in place, hence the birth of the paper-based system. Over time this system needed to evolve to keep up with the bustling cities that grew everywhere, especially as sea voyages were becoming more and more prominent.
The paper-based system has come a long way and helped a lot of businesses find their way around the monthly bills, but there is a lot of repetition that comes with such a system. How frustrating has it been when you are on a trip somewhere and suddenly you feel ill? As soon as humanly possible you rush to the nearest hospital in town you have to fill out a whole encyclopedia of paperwork, half of which you do not have in your possession or can’t even remember. It’s 4 am and there is no way of getting all the information sent or faxed at that hour. Super frustrating.
This type of scenario, along with other similar situations involving your business, can be avoided with a good electronic purchase order system where you have all your information stored in one place and it is easily accessible from anywhere and at any time.
Going mobile?
“The world is being re-shaped by the convergence of social, mobile, cloud, big data, community and other powerful forces. The combination of these technologies unlocks an incredible opportunity to connect everything together in a new way and is dramatically transforming the way we live and work.” – Marc Benioff, American internet entrepreneur, author and philanthropist.
As an executive you are always on the move from one meeting to the next and it is hard to get to all the paperwork that needs your approval. All processes come to a halt just for your million dollar signature. However, by implementing an electronic purchase order system you can instantly approve purchases within minutes with the click of a button. Any appointed employee can load the purchase order and you can see it instantly on any mobile device.
Statistically, 10% of all spend in a company is wasted spend. There is not enough time in the day to keep track of the spend happening and even less time to compile weekly reports on what happened during the purchasing process.
Introducing our purchase order app, Procurementexpress.com, to your project will help your company achieve sustainable growth through efficient spend management. It controls the spending while you focus on other aspects of your project like unforeseen pitfalls and important meetings.
With the app, you would never have to wonder what has been spent and by whom. Reports are updated in real time and can be downloaded at any time. You can view the budget remaining per project before purchases are approved. Even custom fields can be set up so you can report on what’s important to your company.
Tweet This: Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.
A purchase order application is handy
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” – Alan Lakein, well-known author on personal time management
Being pressed for time when working on a project is a daily dilemma. There is no real time to fix mistakes or track the lost expenses made.
With such a rigorous planning schedule to complete coupled with the day-to-day stresses that have to be dealt with once the project commences, there is hardly any time or even energy left to keep track of all the expenses and all the people that have to make purchases.
Implementing a straightforward easy to use smart spend app like Procurementexpress.com that is anti-procrastinating and pragmatic can lift the load of your daily stresses and any one of your staff members can master it in a few minutes, so all your departments can spend responsibly.
Statistically, 1 out of 10 purchases contains some kind of mistake. With every project budget, there are a lot of purchases that have to be made, and mistakes like buying the wrong sized bolts, are not uncommon. Therefore, it is important to know what is happening in and around the project at all times.
Having extra time in your pocket
“Time is simply the measure of motion. Time is the measure of one physical process against another.” – Aristotle , the Greek philosopher, (384–322 BC)
If time was the currency in the world and everyone traded in it, wouldn’t it be in your best interest to make sure the time spent everyday in your business counted? In such a world there would be no space for making mistakes.
If you are like me, you work even after leaving work. Lists of things to do the next day run through your head and sometimes in the shower you remember that one email you forgot to send. You even dream of doing it first thing in the morning, but as soon as you get to the office, ‘life’ happens – you are bombarded with unanticipated challenges on a project or last minute meetings and your list just keeps growing. Having so many things to stay on top of can make it hard for you to manage your time efficiently.
Customer Service Excellence
“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” – Sam Walton, American businessman and entrepreneur
The only other thing you need now is great customer service. Electronic purchase order software should be easy to use, control your spend and be handy, but most of all you should not be running after consultants when you need your app to work for you.
Customer service is the support you offer your customers — both before and after they buy your product — that helps them have an easy and enjoyable experience with you. It’s more than just providing answers; it’s an important part of the promise your brand makes to its customers. And it’s critical to the success of your business.
It’s often said that it’s cheaper to keep existing customers than to find new ones. And it’s true- bad customer service is a key driver of customer churn. The quality of customer service provided can make or break your reputation.
Procurementexpress.com could be your ultimate smart spend toolkit all in a convenient app. Stay on top of every aspect of your business. Try Procurementexpress.com for free today!
“Using Procurementexpress.com as a purchase ordering tool has been very easy from the get go. It is simple and uncomplicated and user-friendly. It doesn’t take very long to create a purchase order so it saves me time. Overall a good experience.” Dwight Uyeno, SPUD