3 Reasons Why Approval Routing Will Save You Face

The fluency of your approval process plays a very important role in determining whether other related processes get delayed as well. Approval for purchases are a very important part of any business.

To enhance the productivity of your team you need to increase the efficiency of your processes.

“More business is lost every year through neglect than through any other cause.” – Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

Approvals, just like any other process in your company, have to be quick and easy to accomplish. Having all the necessary information needed to do this efficiently comes in handy,  especially if you are an executive that’s always on the run.

However, getting approval for anything in a company can sometimes be a painstaking and difficult process. So I will give you 3 reasons reasons:

It saves you needed time

Most people in a business don’t realize that time is their most valuable asset. Time is a huge – if not the only – factor in the deadlines you need to meet everyday. It’s the fuel you run on and plan for everyday.

If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.“ — Lido Anthony “Lee” Lacocca, American automobile executive

When it comes to purchase orders, most managers have to sit down and go through inventory reports and emails to validate purchase orders to know where they come from, if they were processed, and if there are duplicates. This process is not an efficient use of time and in the long run may cost you money.

Procurementexpress.com, an electronic PO software, saves you needed time by remembering everything so you don’t have to. It gives you the freedom to be mobile and you can approve PO’s on the run. If you’re moving from a paper-based purchasing process, the onboarding team can get all your information onto the software in a flash. The empowering software also sends you progress reports instantly.

Tweet This: Most people in a business don’t realize that time is their most valuable asset. It’s the fuel you run on and plan for everyday.

Why mobility is better  

Wherever you need to go your mobile is always with you. You can connect to the web at anytime anywhere. It also takes just a few seconds to approve a purchase order on your mobile. You can even sit in your car before your next meeting or grab a quick coffee at a coffee shop and approve your purchases, with all the information you need to make the decision in the same place.

Going electronic means that you have the advantage of real-time reports on your mobile showing what is going on with any given purchase. You can also quickly approve purchases within minutes and see how much of your various budgets are left. The freedom of quick approval helps managers and employees address their time-sensitive responsibilities with ease.

Switching to an electronic system might seem like a big step but most systems these days are easy to learn and very adaptable. The cost that is saved alone is a big opportunity for any company.

Putting the right process in place in your company will ensure deadlines on approval are met, without burning out your staff.

should not fill out another PO paper

If you find your procurement process difficult, simplify it with a more user-friendly solution. The key is to find one that’s easy to use and all-inclusive (one that sees all direct and indirect spending) while integrating with your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. This ensures that all employees have access to the right information at the right time.

Procurementexpress.com is easy to use. Quick to learn. Has great features and works perfectly for our organizational needs. Would recommend to anyone in business.” – Dale Wood, Citipointe Church

 Limits on approvers

Why are there limits to anything? Is it because we can’t handle anything without limits? Or is it because people don’t have respect for things if limits aren’t set? Whatever the reasons, limits are needed.

For purchase orders, it is important to set limits so that all the company revenue can be accounted for and you show a profit at the end of the month. With ProcurementExpress.com you set the rules beforehand where each authorized approver can approve a certain amount of money.

If you want only certain people to work on the POs or only certain approvers per PO it’s all possible within the app. It’s a straightforward easy to use application that anyone of your staff members can master in a few minutes, so all your departments can spend responsibly. You can manage suppliers’ usage, which suppliers should be used and have special standing deals with your specific approved suppliers.

By putting the needed processes in place you never have to wonder what has been spent and by whom. Comprehensive customization is also possible and keeping all your purchasing information in one easily accessible place makes it simple to track where the money is going.

“The easiest way to control spend in any sized organization, and even easier for all staff and employees to learn and understand!” Luke Moon, Chief Financial Officer, RB Sellars

Procurementexpress.com is the number one user-friendly Purchase Order platform. It helps your business keep track of expenses and maintains a chain of approval. Additionally, its support staff is extremely responsive and helpful.

The software’s prevention of transition problems in your processes will ensure that every project runs smoothly and you can have the peace of mind you need at the end of your day. Get rid of the paper-trail hassle with inclusive online reporting that eliminates fraud.

Want to revolutionize your approval processes?  Sign up for a free trial today!

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